

  • 超市,雜貨店和街角商店 Supermarkets, grocery stores and corner shops
  • 酒品商店,包括酒廠 Alcohol shops, including breweries
  • 牙醫、視測師和聽力學服務 Dentists, opticians and audiology services
  • 脊椎治療師、脊醫、骨科病 Chiropody, chiropractors, osteopaths
  • 其他醫療服務,包括精神心理科 Other medical services, including mental health
  • 報紙檔和郵局 Newsagents and post offices
  • 園藝中心 Garden centres
  • 五金店 Hardware stores
  • 建築服務 Building stores and services
  • 加油站 Petrol stations
  • 藥房和藥劑師 Pharmacies and chemists
  • 汽車維修,MOT服務和單車的商店 Car repair stores, MOT services and bike shops
  • 出租車和租車服務 Taxi and car hire businesses
  • 銀行、建築協會、借貸公司 Banks, building societies, credit unions and short-term loan providers
  • 儲蓄俱樂部,櫃員機和貨幣兌換處 Savings clubs, cash points and currency exchange offices
  • 殯儀服務 Funeral directors
  • 洗衣和乾洗店 Laundrettes and dry cleaners
  • 獸醫和寵物店 Vets and pet shops
  • 農業用品店 Agricultural supplies shops



  • 餐廳、酒吧、聯誼會(包括酒店、會所內的餐廳和酒吧)Restaurants, bars and social clubs, including in hotels or members’ clubs
  • 咖啡店(包括所有場所的:公司、學院、大學、醫院、護老院)Cafes, including workplace canteens except for certain places like schools, care homes and hospitals
  • 戲院和歌劇院 Cinemas and theatres
  • 夜店、演唱會/表演場地 Nightclubs, concert halls and dance halls
  • 健身房、舞室、室內運動場和游泳池 Gyms, dance studios, sports courts and swimming pools
  • 保齡球場、遊戲中心、室內遊樂場 Bowling alleys, amusement arcades, playgrounds and soft play areas
  • 賭場、賓果遊戲場所、博彩店、遊戲機中心 Casinos, bingo halls, betting shops and gaming centres
  • 博物館和美術館 Museums and galleries
  • 水療和按摩院 Spas and massage parlours
  • 指甲,美容院,美髮和理髮店 Nail, beauty salons, hair salons and barbers
  • 日光浴服務 Tanning salons
  • 性娛樂場所 Sexual entertainment venues
  • 紋身店 Tattoo and piercing parlours
  • 溜冰場、水上樂園和探險活動 Skating rinks, water parks and adventure activities
  • 戶外市場,禽畜和食物除外 Outdoor markets, except for livestock and selling food

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